ICCII 2024 – Fifth international Conference on Computational Intelligence and Industry 5.0
ICCII 2024 conference, organized collaboratively by the departments of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical and Tool Engineering, and Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Velammal Institute of Technology on April 3, 2024, was a significant gathering aimed at fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. The Whole event was presided by our beloved Vice-Principal Dr. S. Soundararajan. The event commenced with a warm welcome address by Dr. D. Magesh Babu, setting the tone for an intellectually stimulating day ahead. Dr. M.S. Heaven Dani eloquently articulated the importance of the conference, emphasizing its role in advancing research and innovation in the respective fields.
Dr. S. Muthukaruppasamy provided an insightful introduction to the esteemed chief guest, Shri B. Srinivasan, Scientific Officer-G and Officer in charge for training at BARC, Kalpakkam, highlighting his remarkable contributions to the scientific community. The conference served as a platform for scholars, researchers, and industry experts to exchange ideas, collaborate on cutting-edge research, and address key challenges facing the industry, thereby fostering a culture of innovation and excellence.
ICCII 2023 – Fourth international Conference on Innovation in Industrial Automation
ICIIA 2023 organized by Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineeirng, Velammal Institute of Technology on 05th April 2023. The Whole event was presided by our beloved Principal Dr. N. Balaji and felicitation speech given by our Vice- Principal Dr. S. Soundararajan. The event commenced with a warm welcome address by Dr. D. Magesh Babu, setting the tone for an intellectually stimulating day ahead. Dr. S. Kaliappan eloquently articulated the importance of the conference, emphasizing its role in advancing research and provided an insightful introduction to the esteemed chief guest, Wg Cdr PXR Gilbert Fernando, General Manager Aviation,The Sanmar Group Chennai. training at BARC, Kalpakkam, highlighting his remarkable contributions to the research areas.
Automation and digitalization are transforming the manufacturing sector, enabling companies to improve efficiency, quality, and sustainability, while also enhancing their competitive edge in the global market. The conference served as a platform for scholars, researchers, and industry experts to exchange ideas, collaborate on cutting-edge research, and address key challenges facing the industry, thereby fostering a culture of innovation and excellence. Automation and digitalization are transforming the manufacturing sector, enabling companies to improve efficiency, quality, and sustainability, while also enhancing their competitive edge in the global market.
ICRACE’ 20 – International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences
ICRACE’ 20 – International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences was conducted at Velammal Institute of Technology on 6 th& 7 th March 2020 on the college premises in a grand manner. Dr. S. Soundararajan, Principal extended warm welcome to all the participants.. Prof. K. Razak, Advisor in his Presidential address, highlighted about the importance of learning new things and developing knowledge in various streams.
Shri. AndiGiri, CEO, Softsquare was the Chief Guest for the function. In his address, he elaborated about various opportunities available in the corporate sectors and explained how to use them for the benefit of career advancement and success. Dr. S. Soundarapandian, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Madras was the Guest of Honour, he insisted the importance of research in all the fields and elaborated the details of various agencies and organizations providing support for pursuing the research. Department of EEE has got 150 papers from all over Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and also from countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia were presented in the conference. Shri. M.V. Muthuramalingam, Founder – Chairman, Velammal Educational Trust, Shri. M.V.M. Sasikumar, Director, Prof. K. Razak and Shri. M. Vasu, Advisors of the college graced the occasion. The Principal, Coordinators and all the HODs of various departments and staff members have arranged the conference in a grand and successful manner.
ICACT-2018 – International Conference on Automation and Computing Technologies
International Conference on Automation and Computing Technologies was held on 17th March 2018 jointly organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering along with Dept of ECE &Mech, in Velammal Institute of Technology. Dr. K. Rajeswari, Prof & Head Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering delivered the welcome address. Dr. T. Chandrashekar, Principal presented the Presidential address and obliged the importance of automation and computing technologies. Dr. B. Sridevi, Prof &Head Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering briefed the objectives of the conference and the future plans for conducting the similar events in the forth coming years. Dr. T. Chandrashekar, Principal and Dr. S. Soundararajan, Vice Principal felicitated the chief guest and guest of Honour. The conference proceeding was released by all the dignitaries.
In the chief guest address, Shri. P. Suresh Kumar, Scientist-G, Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore delivered the inaugural address in development of science and technology and its future trends. The guest of Honour, Shri. G. Jegapriyan, Director-India Regional operations, Valeo discussed the opportunities and challenges in Engineering field for the students and insisted them to do smart work to grab the right opportunities. Around 150 papers were presented by National and International authors in person and Video conferencing. Dr. G. Moorthy, Prof &Head Department of Mechanical Engineering proposed vote of thanks.
TRIDENT 2K24 – National level Technical Symposium
TRIDENT 2024, the prestigious National-level Technical symposium organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Mechatronics Engineering on February 23, 2024, brought together students from various colleges for a day filled with innovation and intellect. Under the esteemed guidance of Principal Dr. N. Balaji, and with Dr. D. Magesh Babu, Head-Mechatronics delivering the welcoming address, the symposium provided a dynamic platform for students to showcase their technical prowess through presentations, demonstrations, and competitions. With Mr. Rajasekar, CEO of CDCE Automation and Robotics Pvt Ltd, as the chief guest, the event not only highlighted academic achievements but also bridged the gap between academia and industry. Dr. M. S. Heaven Dani, Head – Mechanical Gave vote of Thanks. Trident 2024 was a testament to the department’s commitment to fostering a culture of learning, innovation, and collaboration, empowering the next generation of mechanical engineers to excel in their endeavors and make meaningful contributions to the field.
TRIDENT 2K18 – National level Technical Symposium
The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Velammal Institute of Technology, organized a National level symposium “TRIDENT 2K18” on Saturday, 1st September 2018. Students participants from all over the state have participated in large numbers to expose their talents in various technical events. The chief guest of the gathering was Mr. Ilanchezhian, President and CEO, BGR energy systems Ltd. Mr. Heaven Dani, Coordinator for Trident 2K18, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Moorthy, Head of the department delivered the necessity of Symposium and highlighted the importance of research activities to be taken up by the budding engineers. Dr. T. Chandrashekar, Principal of our college shared his esteemed presence and delivered the Special address emphasizing the necessity of Symposium activities and presented a memento for our chief guest The Chief Guest released the proceedings of the symposia and inspired the students explaining the concepts of Modern Techniques in Energy and he delivered an inspiring speech to the participants and discussed the present scenario in the field of expectations by the corporates from young engineers.

Ekalaiva 2K16-A National Level Technical Symposium

Chief Guest Mr. K.Saravanan., Assistant Manager (HR), Sundaram Clayton delivering the presidential address during the event
EKALAIVA2K15 – National Level Technical Symposium
On 1st august 2015, the Department Of Mechanical Engineering organized a National Level Technical Symposium – “EKALAIVA 2K15”. The function was inaugurated at 9.00am by Mr. S. Rajarasalnath, AGM- Production, Tube Products of India. Chief Guest, Principal, Vice Principal, Head – Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Event Coordinator inaugurated the event. A silent prayer was observed and a mind blowing video was shown as a tribute to our former President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. More than 150 students from various colleges from all over the nation participated in the event such as Throttlerz, Paper Presentation, CAD Modelling, Technical Quiz, Water Rocketry and Mr. Machinist.

EKALAIVA 2K14- National Level Technical Symposium

From left Mr.N.Pragadish HOD- Mech; Prof. K. Razak, Advisor, Velammal I Tech, Dr.T.Chandrasekar Velammal I Tech, Mr. Mohan Babu Krishnamurthy, Recruitment Manager– HR, Michelin India and Mr.Baskar Kannun, Vice president, Murugappa groups.
Faculty Development Programs Organized
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Title of the FDP / STTP | Organized | Approved | Duration | Academic Year |
1 | Mr.S.Kaliappan | Assistant professor | Engineering Thermodynamics | Velammal Institute of Technology | Anna University | 17-6-2014 to 24-6-2014 | 2014-15 |
2 | Mr. Suseel Jai Krishnan Mr. S Kaliappan | Assistant Professor | Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion | Velammal Institute of Technology | Anna University | 1/12/2014 to 8/12/2014 | 2014-15 |
3 | Mr.S.Kaliappan | Associate professor | Heat and Mass Transfer | Velammal Institute of Technology | Anna University | 19-5-2017 to 26-5-2017 | 2016-17 |
4 | Dr.T.Mothilal & Mr.S.Kaliappan | Professor & Associate professor | Power Plant Enginee-ring | Velammal Institute of Technology | Anna University | 21/5/2018 to 28/5/2018 | 2017-18 |
List of events supported by industries
S.No | Name of the Event | Name of the Organization | Event date | Duration of the Event |
1 | Lean six sigma (LSS) | Dr.G.Shivakumar (Intelligence Quality, Chennai) | 05.03.2018 to 08.03.2018 | 4 Days |
2 | MECHANIC' 2018 | Intelligence Quality, Chennai | 24.08.2018& 25.08.2018 | 2 Days |
The Department organized “Ukranthi”- 2 day workshop on Racing Car Design in collaboration with IIT Madras
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Title of the Workshop | Organized | Period | Academic Year |
1 | Mr. S .Kaliappan Mr. E. Sivakumar | Associate professor | Racing Car Design In Collaboration with IIT Madras Ukranthi | Velammal Institute of Technology | 1/9/2016 to 2/9/2016 | 2016-17 |
Industry Involvement In program design and partial delivery
S. No | Title | Type ofpartial delivery | Date- Month- Year | Resource Person | Students Strength |
1 | Workshop On Part Modeling & Assembly Using CREO | Workshop | 29.11.2017 to 30.11.2017, 01.12.2017 & 04.12.2017 | Mr. R.S Senthil Kumar Mr. G. Senthil Kumar Design Engnineer, Sri Design CAD technologies Pvt Ltd. | III Year |
2 | Seminar on Ansys | Seminar | 30.11.2017 & 01.12.2017 | Mr. Pugazenthi I-Value | III Year |
3 | Seminar on PLM | Seminar | 04.12.2017 | Mr.Sriharan Technical Executive CAD OPTS technologies | III Year |
4 | Workshop on SIX SIGMA | Workshop | 29.11.2017 & 05.12.2017 | Dr.G.Sivakumar CEO, Intelligence Qulaity | III Year |
5 | Workshop on 3D printing | Workshop | 05.12.2017 & 06.12.2018 | Mr.Chithrajith, CEO, Exclametric Technologies | III Year |
6 | Workshop on part modeling & assembly using CREO | Workshop | 06.12.2017 & 09.12.2017 | Mr. Bistu Baby, Mr. Vignesh Deisgn Engineer, CADD centre, Mylapore | II Year |
S. No | Company Name | Date | Participants | Coordinator |
1 | Tractor and Farm Equipments (TAFE) | 02.11.2024 | II and III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
2 | Tractor and Farm Equipments (TAFE) | 22.10.2024 | IV Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
3 | Balaji Castings | 04.10.2024 | II and III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
4 | Adani Port, Chennai | 11.10.2024 | II and III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
5 | Radiant Design, Chennai | 04.07.2024 | IV Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
Sl No | Name of the organization | Year | Date | Faculty Accompanieds | Total No of Students |
1 | KAMARAJAR PORT-ENNORE | III ECE | 11/08/2023 | Mrs.D.Jeyamani latha Mr.M.Kamesh Mr.V.Mugunthan Mrs.J.janish Blessy | 120 |
2 | Kamarajar Port-Ennore | II/III | 24/11/2023 | Mr.SS.manikandan Dr.K.menaka Mr.S.karthikeyan Mrs.K.Jannaipriya | 114 |
3 | Chennai trade centre-South Indian Automation Expo | III/V | 28/04/2023 | Dr.K.Menaka Mr.R.Vinoth Raj Mr.S.Karthikeyan Mrs.K.Janani Priya | 120 |
4 | ISRO-(SHAR)Sathish Dhawan Space research Centre-Sriharikota | III/V | 13/09/2022 | Dr.G.Sethuram Rao Mrs.D.Jeyamani Latha | 49 |
5 | Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited(BHAVINI) | III/VI/A&B | 13/03/2020 | Faculty advisors & Coordinators | 101 |
6 | NIOT-National Institute of Ocean Technology | II/IV/A&B | 06/03/2020 | Faculty advisors & Coordinators | 101 |
7 | NIOT-National Institute of Ocean Technology | II ECE A&B | 15/03/2019 | Faculty advisors & Coordinators | 98 |
8 | PARLE AGRO | II ECE B | 07/03/19 | Faculty advisors & Coordinators | 51 |
9 | SIEMENS GAMESA | II ECE A | 13/02/2019 | Faculty advisors & Coordinators | 50 |
10 | BHAVINI | III/V(A&B) | 13/7/18 | Faculty advisors & Coordinators | 111 |
11 | KAMARAJAR PORT | II/III(A&B) | 24/8/18 | Faculty advisors & Coordinators | 103 |
12 | Software Technology Park of India | III/V(A&B) | 1/7/2017 | Mr.K.Ragupathi Ms.T.Kamalam Mr.Dhayaniythi Mrs.S.Ishwarya | 113 |
13 | Indian Space Research Organisation | II/III(A&B) | 27/9/17 | Mr.K.Ragupathi Mr.Jijingodwin, Mr.T.Chandrasekar M.manju | 92 |
14 | Honey Infospace Pvt.Ltd | IIIECE(A&B) | 1/9/2016 | Mr. G.S. Shanmugaraj Mrs. S. Manju | 112 |
15 | Honey Infospace Pvt.Ltd | II ECE(A&B) | 25/8/2016 | Mr. S. Karthikeyan Mrs. M. Manju Ms. P. Rajalakshmi | 113 |
16 | CHENNAI PORT TRUST | II-ECE(A) | 25/8/2015 | J.Jijin Godwin Ms. P. Rajalakshmi | 55 |
17 | IGCAR | IV-ECE(A) | 31/07/2015 | Mr. L.Balaji Mrs. G.Gomathy | 55 |
18 | SCADA - TANGEDCO | II ECE(B) | 25/8/2015 | Mr S.Karthikeyan Mrs. G. Gomathy | 55 |
19 | ENNORE THERMAL POWER PLANT | III | 2/9/2015 | Mr.G.Shanmugaraj Mrs. S. Manju | 94 |
S. No | Company Name | Date | Participants | Coordinator |
1 | CPDE, Anna University | 08.11.2022 | III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
2 | UE Press Tools Pvt Ltd | 30.09.2022 | II Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
S No | Topic | Guest Lecture/Seminar | Resource Person with Designation | Date |
1 | Solving Structural Analysis Problem | Seminar | Mr.Balaji, CADD INDIA | 21.06.2018 |
2 | Robotics | Seminar | Mr.Sujanth Mathew, Pro-CAE | 22.06.2018 |
3 | Fundamentals of Boiling and condensation,heat Exchanger Process | Guest Lecture | Mr.M.Karthick Asst.Professor III VelammalEngg College | 09.08.2017 |
4 | Governing equation of Free Vibration and Forced Vibration for undamped system | Guest Lecture | Mr.Suresh Associate Professor VelammalEngg College | 10.08.2017 |
5 | Modal Frequency Analysis on Beam like Cantilever, Simply supported and Fixed beams | Hand on Training using MSC Nastran in CAE laboratory | Mr.Vasanthe Roy Assistant Professor Velammal Institute of Technology | 10.08.2017 |
6 | Ideal and Real Gases thermodynamics relationship | Guest Lecture | Dr.Sekar Associate Professor Velamma lEngg College | 10.08.2017 |
7 | Application of I law and II law of Thermodynamics | Guest Lecture | Mr.M.Karthick Asst.Professor III Velammal Engg College | 12.07.2016 |
8 | Fundamentals of Conduction and Convection | Guest Lecture | Dr.K.Varatharajan Asst.Professor III Velammal Engg College | 12.07.2016 |
9 | Thermal Analysis on Fins in Engine | Hand on Training using ANSYS in CAE laboratory | Dr.G. Moorthy Professor Velammal Institute of Technology | 12.07.2016 |
10 | Design of Crank shaft and Riveted joints | Guest Lecture | Dr.Krishnakumari Asst.Professor III VelammalEngg College | 01.08.2016 |
11 | Stress Analysis on Shaft and riveted joints | Hand on Training using ANSYS in CAE laboratory | Dr.G. Moorthy Professor Velammal Institute of Technology | 01.08.2016 |
12 | Simple Mechanism using ADAMS in Multi-body Dynamics | Hand on Training using ADAMS in CAE laboratory | Dr.G. Moorthy Professor Velammal Institute of Technology | 07.03.2017 |
13 | Conduction Through Plane Walls | Guest Lecture | Dr.K.Varatharajan Asst.Professor III Velammal Engg College | 11.08.2015 |
14 | Applications of II law of Thermodynamics, Availability and Irreversibility | Guest Lecture | Mr.M.Karthick Asst.Professor III VelammalEngg College | 11.08.2015 |
15 | Design of Couplings | Guest Lecture | Mr.G.Ramesh Asst.Professor III VelammalEngg College | 25.08.2015 |
S. No | Company Name | Date | Participants | Coordinator |
1 | Tractor and Farm Equipments (TAFE) | 02.11.2024 | II and III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
2 | Tractor and Farm Equipments (TAFE) | 22.10.2024 | IV Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
3 | Balaji Castings | 04.10.2024 | II and III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
4 | Adani Port, Chennai | 11.10.2024 | II and III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
5 | Radiant Design, Chennai | 04.07.2024 | IV Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
S. No | Program Name | Date | Participants | Resource Person(s) |
1 | Expert Talk Opportunities in Core Industries | 21.03.2024 | III Year and IV Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Mr.Vinoth Kumar Subramani, ZF India Pvt. Lyd |
2 | Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurial Ventures in HMT | 16.04.2024 | II Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Dr. S. Gopinath |
3 | Career Counseling | 17.04.2024 | III Year and IV Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Nandhini Dhanesekaran, Univeristy of Washington |
4 | Workshop on Mechanical and Mechatronics system design Using MATLAB | 01.02.2024 | III Year and IV Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Dr. M. Sivarathinabala AP,VelammaliTech |
5 | Workshop on Composite Materials | 23.01.2024 | III Year and IV Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Mr. Dinesh kumar, Metro Composite |
6 | Guest Lecture on Power Plant Engineering | 16.11.2023 | III Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Dr. D. Gopinath, Velammal Engg. College |
7 | Hands-on Training on Image processing Using Matlab | 10.10.2023 | III Year and IV Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Dr.K.Ragupathy VIT |
8 | Guest Lecture on Design of Eccentrically loaded bolted joints | 26.09.2023 | III Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Mr.T.Balasubramanian, St. Joseph chennai |
9 | Expert Talk on Tqm tools and techniques | 19.09.2023 | IV Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Mr.Vijaya Kumar G, Ashok Leyland Ltd |
10 | Workshop on Future of making things with FUSION 360 | 28.07.2023 | III Year and IV Year Mechanical Engineering Students | Mr.Mahesh, USAM Technology |
S. No | Company Name | Date | Participants | Coordinator |
1 | CPDE, Anna University | 08.11.2022 | III Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |
2 | UE Press Tools Pvt Ltd | 30.09.2022 | II Year Mechanical Engineering | Dr. V. Ramasamy |