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Library Service


  • To enhance the knowledge of Velammalians by providing a world class information centre for all their library needs.
  • To give a reading and learning ambience with sufficient materials to all.
  • To subscribe and provide all the e-resources and provide the best learning experience.
  • To promote holistic research and learning process under one roof.
  • To change the library as a centre for catering knowledge by providing excellent facilities and amenities.


  • To connect the readers with technology and make it available to all.
  • To provide extensive resources and services in support to the research, teaching and learning needs of the college community.
  • To sustain and develop the library by adding more books, journals, magazines and periodicals along with e-materials for the betterment of the readers.
  • To provide the information available in the environment to the students and staff in an easy and convenient manner.

Library – A Learning Resource

Our college has 1060 sq. m. computerized Central Library and it has 22,104 books with 5296 titles. A hard disk consists the videos of NPTEL courses and other various online courses are available for the user’s reference. We have subscribed to NPTEL, IEEE & DELNET E resources for accessing more than 207 National & International journals. In addition to the above, 114 hard copies of National & International Journals are also available for easy access. The internet facility with centralized Wi-Fi of 500 Mbps connectivity is available for students and faculty members for accessing the digital collection. The library maintains an efficient organizational system, arranging and classifying books according to the Universal Decimal Classification Scheme. AutoLib, renowned Library Automation Software is used to disseminate and cater the needs of its users.

The library is well-equipped with a Digital Library area spanning 150 square meters, a spacious reading space covering 500 square meters, and a seating capacity maximum 200 individuals. There are 32 book racks available to organize the collection, along with 20 computers and a separate library server.

The library is kept open from 8 am to 7 pm in all working days and during holidays it will be open from 9 am to 4 pm for the benefit of its users. As an incentive for high-achieving students, two additional library cards are issued to those who secured above 8.5 CGPA in their university examinations.

For copying and printing needs, there are two reprography machines available for both students and staff. Scanning facility is also available for the users to upload their hardcopies in digital format. The library is divided into various sections, including the Book Circulation Section, Book Stack Section, Book Reading Section, Photocopy Section, OPAC Service Section, Digital Library and Reference Section, ensuring that patrons can easily locate and access the resources they need. Barcode facility is initiated and made into practice since 2008 for easy usability and the same is printed in the identity cards of students and staff members.

To maintain security and monitor library usage, every entry and exit of users is registered with their identity using a barcode sensing mechanism at the library entrance. For additional security round the clock CCTV camera is installed inside the library. Many users avail the library and the library has the average of 330 above users per day. All the students and staff members use the library for teaching, learning and pursuing research. Apart from this, each department has its own department library for their students and staff members

Lending Service

Each registered member will be given the following number of borrower’s ticket.

  • No. of Library cards for Teaching Staff : 6
  • No. of Library cards for Non- Teaching Staff : 2
  • No. of library cards for the Students : 6
  • No. of Library cards for Subject Topper students : 2
Library Working Hours:
On all working days08.00 A.M. to 07.00 P.M
Holidays and vacation09.00 A.M. to 04.00 P.M

Library Staff Members

1Dr. V.R. MuruganM.A., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,PGDCA., PGDPMIR., DLLAL.,Senior Librarian
2Mr. G. DillibabuB.B.A., M.L.I.Sc.,Asst. Librarian
3Ms. N. JohnsiraniB.Sc.,Library Assistant

Library Resources

S.NoResource's NameQty
2No. of Titles5296
3National Journals70
4International Journals44
5Student's Projects1319
7Online Journal(E-Journal Package)IEEE-ASPP

Membership in Other Libraries

Our college library has membership in other libraries as well as our students benefit from it by borrowing books from other libraries such as ;


Unique Features

  • On line subscription of entire publication of IEEE
  • Weekly once library hour for each department
  • All the library transactions are computerized & Bar coded
  • Our reading hall & Multimedia section fully air-condition facilities
  • Per day more than 92 books are issued.
  • Per day more than 330 users are using / visiting

Our Recruiters
