


2022 - 20232021 - 20222020 - 2021

Tree Plantation Programme

Our college NSS team successfully organized a Tree Plantation event on the 8th of October, 2022, at Andarkuppam. This initiative provided a significant platform for NSS volunteers to actively engage with the community and contribute positively. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from our NSS volunteers, showcasing their commitment to environmental conservation and social responsibility. The event not only enhanced the beauty of the area but also emphasized the importance of sustainable living and environmental stewardship. Through collective efforts, our volunteers demonstrated their unwavering commitment to serving the community and promoting a healthier environment.

Tree Plantation Programme

Our college NSS team successfully organized a Tree Plantation event at the Government Higher Secondary School, Padirivedu Madarapakkam on 08.11.2022. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from our NSS volunteers, demonstrating their commitment to environmental conservation and social responsibility. Under the guidance of NSS Coordinator, Mr. R. Raja, AP/CSE, volunteers planted trees with great enthusiasm and dedication. Dr. S. Jaganraj, Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, Mr. M.A. Saravanan, AP/Chemistry department, Mr. J. Sathiya Jeba Sundar, AP/CSE, Ms. Durgadevi, AP/AIDS, along with school personnel, was also present during the tree planting program. Through collective efforts, our volunteers showcased their unwavering commitment to serving the community and promoting a healthier environment.

Awareness Campaign on the Protection of Girl Child

On December 15, 2022, the NSS students of Velammal Institute of Technology organized an impactful Awareness Campaign on the Importance of Girl Child Education at Thachur Junction. Led by Mr. R. Raja, Assistant Professor/CSE and NSS Coordinator, the event aimed to highlight the significance of education and awareness in improving attitudes towards the nation’s female population. The campaign emphasized the vulnerability of girl children in various aspects such as education, healthcare, and employment. Fifteen NSS volunteers, primarily first-year students of our college, enthusiastically participated in the event. Through engaging activities and discussions, they effectively conveyed the message that every action, irrespective of its scale, can make a substantial difference in the lives of girl children.

Health & Eye Checkup Camp

On the 20th of May, 2023, our college NSS team, in collaboration with the Government Hospital, Ponneri, Thiruvallur and Doctor Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, orchestrated a successful Health and Eye Checkup camp at Velammal Institute of Technology. The event aimed to provide essential medical services to the local community, fostering health awareness and well-being. A significant turnout of approximately 200 individuals, comprising drivers, conductors, and residents from our region, availed themselves of the free checkup program. This initiative, facilitated by 40 dedicated volunteers from the NSS Unit of our college, ensured the smooth execution of the event. The event stands as a testament to the spirit of service and collaboration, leaving a positive mark on our community.

Rally on Road Safety Awareness

The NSS wing of the Velammal Institute of Technology conducted the Rally on Road Safety Awareness on 22 September 2021. The rally was a commendable initiative aimed at promoting road safety consciousness among the public. Participants marched from Thatchoor Junction to Andarkuppam, actively engaging with the community to disseminate essential road safety messages. The event received positive responses from the public, who demonstrated their willingness to listen to the instructions provided and cooperate in spreading awareness about road safety. Through effective communication and engagement efforts, the rally succeeded in conveying the importance of adhering to traffic rules and adopting safe driving practices.

Helmet Awareness Programme

The Helmet Awareness Programme organized by the NSS Unit of Velammal Institute of Technology at the Toll Gate, Red Hills on October 21, 2021, was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of promoting road safety and advocating for helmet usage among motorists. The event commenced with an opening ceremony, during which dignitaries, including representatives from local authorities and road safety organizations, delivered speeches emphasizing the importance of wearing helmets for personal safety and accident prevention. Various activities were conducted throughout the day to engage participants and disseminate key messages about road safety.

Temple Cleaning

On 17th November 2021, the NSS unit of our college organized a temple cleaning event at Sivan Temple, Panchetti. NSS volunteers, along with the NSS coordinator, gathered at the temple premises and worked diligently to clean the surroundings. They removed debris, swept the floors, and disposed of garbage, significantly improving the cleanliness of the temple environment. The efforts taken by the volunteers resulted in a noticeable transformation, with the temple premises looking clean and inviting by the end of the cleaning process. Following the cleanup activity, a small motivational talk was delivered by the NSS coordinator to inspire students to embrace social responsibility and actively participate in community service initiatives.

Cleaning Public Bore well

The Borewell Cleaning event organized by the NSS Wing of Velammal Institute of Technology on 4th January, 2022 in Panchetti Village was a resounding success. Volunteers worked tirelessly to clean the dilapidated borewells near the village pond, ensuring its proper functioning and implementing preventive measures to avoid future contamination. The villagers expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of the NSS Wing and requested similar initiatives to support the cleanliness of public places in the future. The event not only achieved its immediate objectives of borewell cleaning and restoration but also served as a catalyst for community engagement and collaboration towards the common goal of environmental conservation and public health.

Arivoli Iyakkam

The Arivoli Iyakkam conducted by the NSS Wing of Velammal Institute of Technology on 8th February 2022 in Panchetti Village was a significant step towards promoting literacy and empowering the illiterate villagers. Volunteers personally engaged with participants, providing hands-on instruction on how to sign their names and delivering informative sessions on the importance of signature authentication. Approximately 30 participants, primarily ardent labourers enrolled in the 100-day Employment Scheme, benefited from the programme by acquiring the skill of signing documents. The initiative not only facilitated practical skill development but also raised awareness about the importance of signatures in protecting against fraud and deception.

Awareness Program on Women Safety

The NSS unit of Velammal Institute of Technology organized a special programme on Women Safety on 10th March, 2022 in Red Hills, aimed at addressing women’s safety in society. Student volunteers emphasized the importance of vigilance towards strangers and the significance of safeguarding personal belongings to mitigate risks. The programme received positive feedback from the community, with participants appreciating the efforts of the volunteers in raising awareness and advocating for women’s safety. Approximately 50 students actively participated in the programme, demonstrating their commitment to community service and their dedication to promoting social causes.

Awareness Programme on Ban Plastics

The NSS unit of Velammal Institute of Technology conducted an Awareness Programme on the ban of plastics in Puthuvayal Village on 18th May 2022. Approximately 40 dedicated volunteers actively participated in the programme, aiming to educate the public about the detrimental effects of plastic usage and promote sustainable alternatives. The programme aimed to empower individuals with knowledge about the adverse effects of plastics on the environment and human health. The collective commitment demonstrated by the public reflects a promising step towards building a greener and more sustainable future for the community.

Food Distribution for poor people during pandemic

The NSS volunteers of Velammal Institute of Technology visited Annai Therasa Old Age Home at Ponneri on November 9, 2020, to help and provide support for the elderly. Student volunteers spent time with the inmates and listened to them with sympathy. Clothes and delicious food were provided to all the elderly people and they received their blessings. The inmates shared their positive feedback and expressed their happiness with utmost satisfaction.

Helping Orphanage People

The NSS volunteers of Velammal Institute of Technology visited Anbu Karangalin Anbu Illam, Balaji Nagar, Ponneri, on 21st December 2020. Student volunteers spent valuable time with the inmates in the orphanage and distributed groceries and clothes money amounting to Rs.16,000 to the old and needy people. All the inmates shared their experiences and expressed their gratitude with immense satisfaction.

Drug-Free India Campaign

The NSS wing of the Velammal Institute of Technology conducted the Drug-Free India Campaign at Panchetti on 15 February 2021. Nearly 60 students participated in the event and created awareness among the public about the evils of drug usage and abuse. Pamphlets were distributed to the public to create awareness and all the people appreciated our efforts and promised abstinence from drugs.

Rally on Save Trees and Wild Animals

The NSS unit of Velammal Institute of Technology organized a rally on 23rd March 2021 at Panchetti Village to raise awareness about the importance of conserving trees and protecting wild animals. Approximately 43 enthusiastic students participated in the event, actively engaging with the community to spread awareness. The students engaged with the villagers, sharing valuable information about the significance of trees and the importance of protecting wild animals. Through interactive discussions and presentations, they effectively conveyed the message of conservation.

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