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AICTE-ISTE Induction / Refresher Programme on Career Advancement by Technical Teaching Skills Amplification

“Career Advancement by Technical Teaching Skills Amplification” an AICTE-ISTE sponsored Programme held from 7th to 12th April 2018 at Velammal Institute of Technology, Panchetti, Chennai.

List of events supported by industries (Mechanical)

Sl. No.Name of the EventName of the OrganizationEvent dateDuration of the Event
1Lean six sigma (LSS)Dr.G.Shivakumar (Intelligence Quality, Chennai)05.03.2018 to 08.03.20184 Days
2MECHANIC' 2018Intelligence Quality, Chennai24.08.2018 & 25.08.20182 Days

Faculty Development Program Organized

S. NoName of the FacultyDesignationTitle of the FDP / STTPOrganizedApprovedDurationAcademicYear
1Mr.S.KaliappanAssistant professorEngineering ThermodynamicsVelammal Institute of TechnologyAnna University17-6-2014 to2014-15
Mr. Suseel Jai Krishnan24-6-2014
2Assistant ProfessorGas Dynamics and Jet PropulsionVelammal Institute of TechnologyAnna University1/12/20142014-15
Mr. S Kaliappanto
3Mr.S.KaliappanAssociate professorHeat and Mass TransferVelammal Institute of TechnologyAnna University19-5-2017 to2016-17
4Dr.T.Mothilal & Mr.S.KaliappanProfessorPower Plant Enginee-ringVelammal Institute of TechnologyAnna University21/5/2018 to 28/5/20182017-18
Associate professor

  • Mr S.Kaliappan, Associate Professor, Velammal Institute of Technology is delivering the lecture

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